Company translations


Specialist translations for companies and institutions

Our translations are defined by their quality and punctuality.

Our experienced translators are experts in a range of specialist fields and are well-qualified native speakers.

We will adopt your company's own terminology, if available, and save it to our database. This ensures terminological consistency across all your documents.

We carry out a quality check after completing each translation:  a comparison of the source and target text (by two people - four-eyes principle)  and proofreading of the target text by a professional proofreader).

We handle

  • Website texts
  • Advertisements
  • Brochures
  • User guides, manuals
  • Information sheets
  • Newsletters
  • Pamphlets
  • Mail drops
  • Technical documentation
  • Presentations
  • Personnel regulations and other personnel-related information
  • Press releases
  • Contracts
  • Articles of incorporation
  • Statutes
  • Annual reports, etc.

We would be happy to provide a quote. Please send us the file you would like translated at
or simply call us on 032 323 22 66.




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